Saturday, February 27, 2010
Berkongsi maklumat
Aku rasa wajar sungguh berkongsi link ini di sini
oh dan juga ini
bukan niat menjadi pervert gua tejumpe beb.
Aku dah jumpa
mak chik ni...tuo..ta sepadan... <--klik link utk tgk rupa mak chik
Sumpah aku nak gelak tapi tak sampai hati!*mode tahan gelak*
" Aqasha ni bukan calang2 orang kalau kenal dia betul2. :P " <--ini memang ayat bakar line.
Aku pon boleh aje komen balik "Bai ni bukan calang-calang jugak orangnya,kalau kenal dia betul betul betul"<--Sapport la kengkawan yg saport kite!Tapi maap aku tak sanggop register murai.Itu aku serahkan kat yuhainis.huahuahuahuaaaa
Aku nak makas eskrem lagi.
Angan-angan mat jenin takmo kalah punya

aku tidak memacak payung
Jadi atau tidak aku pon tak sure bila kapal nak keluaq dr s'pore.kalau kuar esok maka macam tak sempat aku nak pi konsert paramore which is tak shiokla sebab dah bayar duit teket (tapi tak amek lagi) so takpe.Kalau ada rezki aku pegi kalau tak takpe sorang kena teman tunang i pi sana.ba alip ba ya sungguh.
Anyway aku terinspire utk menaip sebab tunang aku nak amik kelas swimming.bagus bagus.i support and i like sebab aku suke berenang dan boleh berenang riang.
So antara perkara-perkara angan2 aku is to:
1.Bungee jump kat aussie
3.Amik lesen menyelam PADI pastu nyelam kat great barrier reef,menado,sipadan,redang,semporna dan remote areas kat papua.
4.keje kat northsea dan gulf or mexico
5.pegi amsterdam lagi dgn other half.
6.hiking kat NZ.
7.Mountaineering kat french alps
8.Pegi Rio
9.Pegi Ibiza
10.Backpacking SEA
11..............dan terus berangan rangan
Tak kreatif langsung angan-angan gua.Ada lagi gua berangan nak dok kat siberia jd macam photographer nat geo.pastu tumbuh jambang2 mcm dlm iklan camel tu,duduk kat lodge,potong kayu api,minum kopi dalam kole macam koboi pastu main benjo dgn harmonica.pakai boots lugs.isap curut.dalam ada alat outdoor pelbagai.huish mcm Bear Grills la.sangap-sangap pi job.rate kenalah rate otai....
pergh...seksi lapan macam.
inilah padahnya kalau makan byk sangat hari sabtu.lepas tu senaman ringkas~ZZZzzzzzz.Jem kepala hotak
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
aku sekadar pemegang lampu
Aku sekadar pemegang lampu.Tolong promo.Lenkali banje kami!
Sekian dulu.
Aku sekadar pemegang lampu
Sekian dulu.
Aku sekadar pemegang lampu
macam sapa
Kadang-kadang kite selalu refer certain characteristics dgn kengkawan and among kawan kawanla mcm set the standed la.so ni list aku la lebey kurang
Skema macam sapik
Horni mcm B/RH or R oso ken la...*huahua*
keji mcm ______ *shhhhh!!*
evil/cibai/cilake mcm "mulut besaq" *kalau dia senyum sumpah org kata joker*
tua macam xul
tabah macam mummy b
bijak macam jumy/fisha *aku rasa mereka makhluk bijak~dalam kumpulan sasaran aku*
genit macam rumet *makan byk sikit!*
feisty pon macam rumet *kecil2 cilipadi........pastu berpeluh-peluh-peluh dan peluh lagi kalau temakan pedas*
jovial mcm peah
kuat makan macam tokya
fatty "pon" mcm tokya
PR cun macam amad
Worst mcm _______ *bergantung pada group mana anda lepak JMP
Kreatif mcm rafiqa
Kept macam Sudin.Sudin pon macam kept.
Garang mcm Uncle Show!
Kalau tang gelak aku bagi shahir la.Raja gossip pon dia
Cool macam nenek akula.Tok teh
Ok idea dah habis.Nak gi jamban!
Sapa nak ganti aku pi konsert kalau aku tak dapat pi konsert?Dag dig dup!
Skema macam sapik
Horni mcm B/RH or R oso ken la...*huahua*
keji mcm ______ *shhhhh!!*
evil/cibai/cilake mcm "mulut besaq" *kalau dia senyum sumpah org kata joker*
tua macam xul
tabah macam mummy b
bijak macam jumy/fisha *aku rasa mereka makhluk bijak~dalam kumpulan sasaran aku*
genit macam rumet *makan byk sikit!*
feisty pon macam rumet *kecil2 cilipadi........pastu berpeluh-peluh-peluh dan peluh lagi kalau temakan pedas*
jovial mcm peah
kuat makan macam tokya
fatty "pon" mcm tokya
PR cun macam amad
Worst mcm _______ *bergantung pada group mana anda lepak JMP
Kreatif mcm rafiqa
Kept macam Sudin.Sudin pon macam kept.
Garang mcm Uncle Show!
Kalau tang gelak aku bagi shahir la.Raja gossip pon dia
Cool macam nenek akula.Tok teh
Ok idea dah habis.Nak gi jamban!
Sapa nak ganti aku pi konsert kalau aku tak dapat pi konsert?Dag dig dup!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
15/02/2010-Love is in the air
It was bright,hot,sun shiny day.Windy nevertheless.8 vehicles (or was it 10?) zoomed passed several small villages but all ended up at kg sg berembang.
Ramai jugak orang was my first reaction.Gua dgn selamba badak drive masuk perkarangan sebab bawak "Queen"(nenek aku daa...),2 of my sis and shaz.Dia takleh jalan jejauh.Tak larat.Sudah tua maa...
Sume boleh masuk.I was denied access.Siti tak bagi masuk.Nasik baik ada penyelamat.Di bawaknya aku pi makan!Tebaik.Memang aku sgt lapar time tu.Tapi cuak tu ada.Haish time nikah camnela...jgn tersasul sebut michelle rodrigues sudahla.
Selesai urusan cakap-cakap,diorg kuar nak makan,aunty aku hingaq tgk aku dah nak habih makan.Pastu adib sound ckp makcik panggil.Aku pon go in sebab dah dapat green light.

There she was,draped in a purple coloured baju kurung,makeup(believe it people!miracles do happen),have her eyebrows done ala ziana zain,lashes lentik nyahh oi*blink*blink*,..kalah bulu mata unta wooo.....she looked very feminine,prep and proper.Siap berselendang dan ada bunga di kepala.Awwww.....Bik Jah was there macam robin.Sidekick tebaik.Kalau geng ada sure lagi kecoh.Haaa tgk.Aku tak tipu wooo......

Haaa ni versi dah sarung cincin.Tgk muka pon tau nebes tak hilang lagi.Its caught on vid.Hehee.Kesian tunang aku....
We had our pictures taken,for most of our relatives,i mean possibly it was their first time seeing us.I stayed over for a short while for photog session.Yang lain balik dulu....pakcik aku buat hingaq.
"Woi awat hang tak balik!",jerit sambil gelak evil
"Sorii,oghang kidnap!",aku pon balas.
So this is our 1st step,so now another journey begins and I'm more than happy to go all the way with her.It know it ain't easy but I do hope urusan itu semua dipermudah.Some say this is where the real test starts.Takpela, buat dan cuba seikhlas mungkin,terbaik dan yg lain kite doa dan kasi serah to Him.InsyaAllah...kalian pon doa2 kan kami.Kalau stakat nak kondem dan ckp benda negatif tak kena tempat,just keep it to yourself ek?Bukan apa kalau silap ckp kat org sampai jugak kat kami.Lazimnya mcmtu la kisahnya.So please shut up and best fuckoff ok?Kritikan membina takpe,dialu-alukan esp to rakan2 taulan yg dah been there done that.We appreciate all the advices insyaAllah.Ini baru langkah-langkah kecik je.
Ok the ptoto credit goes to Alimin Abu Bakar http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000466834717.He was or photographer for our small occasion.
Thank you all.God Bless you guys.Salam
Thursday, February 11, 2010
kadang kadang aku tak paham
I don't get fuckers who claimed to be friends and just don't behave like one.Next time just don't be friends.
These mother fuckers should be beheaded ala Kill Bill.Dasar talam.
Gua emo nih.Rasa nak lompat tikam!
Ok.Now I'm cool.Misi memerlukan ketenangan....*tenang tenang tenang tenang*
These mother fuckers should be beheaded ala Kill Bill.Dasar talam.
Gua emo nih.Rasa nak lompat tikam!
Ok.Now I'm cool.Misi memerlukan ketenangan....*tenang tenang tenang tenang*
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
ini cerita seriyus
Ini post overdue sebab router kat umah kondem.Maka aku pon edit la sikit.
I'm going to be engaged insyaAllah on the 15th.Aku pass the business of persiapan kat ibu,makcik and adik pompuan yg bersemangat waja.Chaiyooookkk.....Aku jadi cash cow jek.Mooooooo........
One foot forward.
3rd time lucky.fuuuu........alhamdulillah
I guess its pretty scary to think that we will be stepping out of our comfort zones.More so after sealing the deal?Ini bukan main-main kawin pondok-pondok.
Bukan boleh sesuka hati napsu serakah nak hora horey macam bujang lara.Kalau mahu,tak perlu ini semua.
Serba serbi kena jaga.
I think benda ni yg bikin sikit gusar esp kat wanita kot.Kena ikot laki.Laki pulak kena strike a balance,yup lagi-lagi anak sulung....berat beb berat.Kot-kot apa-apa jadi kat bapak aku,aku kena take over automatically itu confirm.Maklumla dalam adik beradik aku,aku yg paling hensem.Kalau tak?Haa....I'm answerable to God.
It ain't going to be no fairy tale either.That only happens in the movies.hakikat.Bak kata p romlee dalam 3 abdul,sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit.
Nobody wants a union of 2 souls to end up in shambles or tatters thats for sure.No no no.
No me,I but us lah.fuuhhhhh......mesti mau banyak saba
Lelaki dgn tanggungjawabnya begitu juga yg wanita.Lelaki tak bimbing isteri,menjawapla dgn Allah.Isteri tak ikut ckp suami (selagi tak melanggar syarak) dosa jugak tapi laki tak boleh abuse this right jugak,dosa jugak.Islam itu adil pada laki mahupon wanita.Cth mcm laki kawin 4.Susah nak jmpa yg betul-betul-betul.Aku rasa diorg nak variety of ehemm jek.Ini pendapat peribadi saya.Sebab byk lagi faktor lain yg sengaja dilepas pandang.Alasan lame is sebab boleh and ikut sunnah.
So anyway cite benda heavy seriyes ni sangap. aku kat Jb nih.Penat jugak drive pepagi buta,sesampai terus gi seberang.Takpe cari makan lebey punya hal,ini utk masa depan.Macam biasa keje kuat makan mesti lebih kuat.
Aku penat lah.Mandi and tido lebih afdal.
I'm going to be engaged insyaAllah on the 15th.Aku pass the business of persiapan kat ibu,makcik and adik pompuan yg bersemangat waja.Chaiyooookkk.....Aku jadi cash cow jek.Mooooooo........
One foot forward.
3rd time lucky.fuuuu........alhamdulillah
I guess its pretty scary to think that we will be stepping out of our comfort zones.More so after sealing the deal?Ini bukan main-main kawin pondok-pondok.
Bukan boleh sesuka hati napsu serakah nak hora horey macam bujang lara.Kalau mahu,tak perlu ini semua.
Serba serbi kena jaga.
I think benda ni yg bikin sikit gusar esp kat wanita kot.Kena ikot laki.Laki pulak kena strike a balance,yup lagi-lagi anak sulung....berat beb berat.Kot-kot apa-apa jadi kat bapak aku,aku kena take over automatically itu confirm.Maklumla dalam adik beradik aku,aku yg paling hensem.Kalau tak?Haa....I'm answerable to God.
It ain't going to be no fairy tale either.That only happens in the movies.hakikat.Bak kata p romlee dalam 3 abdul,sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit.
Nobody wants a union of 2 souls to end up in shambles or tatters thats for sure.No no no.
No me,I but us lah.fuuhhhhh......mesti mau banyak saba
Lelaki dgn tanggungjawabnya begitu juga yg wanita.Lelaki tak bimbing isteri,menjawapla dgn Allah.Isteri tak ikut ckp suami (selagi tak melanggar syarak) dosa jugak tapi laki tak boleh abuse this right jugak,dosa jugak.Islam itu adil pada laki mahupon wanita.Cth mcm laki kawin 4.Susah nak jmpa yg betul-betul-betul.Aku rasa diorg nak variety of ehemm jek.Ini pendapat peribadi saya.Sebab byk lagi faktor lain yg sengaja dilepas pandang.Alasan lame is sebab boleh and ikut sunnah.
So anyway cite benda heavy seriyes ni sangap. aku kat Jb nih.Penat jugak drive pepagi buta,sesampai terus gi seberang.Takpe cari makan lebey punya hal,ini utk masa depan.Macam biasa keje kuat makan mesti lebih kuat.
Aku penat lah.Mandi and tido lebih afdal.
Friday, February 05, 2010
siri tazkirah
Menggunakan teknik Ctrl+C dan Ctrl+V,maka...
inilah hasilnya.Enjoy!
There’s a quote from Yasmin Ahmad’s Talentime that I love the most. It sounds like this
‘ If the Moon can linger in the morning so bright, why can’t the Sun do the same at night?’
As I was walking back from my clinical rotation in Bons Secours Hospital today, the day was very beautiful and sunny, so I looked up to the blue sky spotted with white fluffy clouds to enjoy every moment of it and I realized the moon is still there not even hiding behind the clouds at 11.30 a.m.
And so I remembered the quote from the movie and yes, it’s true. The Moon even lingers up till noon when the day is very sunny. But it would not even appear on a gloomy rainy day when the Sun is hiding not showing himself. So I started to have this kind of imagination and fantasy about the Sun and the Moon.
For me, I always think, the Sun as a male as it portrays the Masculine features of strong, bright but sometimes could be very vulnerable. The Moon on the other hand is the female, with endless beauty, very serene to look at but could be very lonely. They made a very good and perfect couple, like it was destined from Heaven.
Have you ever thought that the Sun and the Moon are actually lovers? Why not? I mean because the Sun and the Moon are just like Adam and Eve. Without the Sun, the Moon will never exist to us as it only reflected the light from the Sun. So did Eve who was made from Adam’s rib, created to fill the spaces between Adam’s fingers. What a lovely couple the Sun and the Moon are, just like how lovely Adam and Eve were. Both couples were created in Heaven to shine upon all the mankind. It’s just that the love of the Sun and the Moon existed much longer before the love of Adam and Eve and their love persisted until today.
If the love of Adam and Eve is brought down from one generation to the next and the love breed filling every corner of the earth from the seed of love of Adam and Eve, the Sun and the Moon is different. Their love existed from the beginning of the world till the Day of Judgment and it will never change and it will never breed. Human’s Love blossoms from loyalty but can be full of cheat, treacherous and bitter to each other. But the Sun and the Moon always loyal to each other since the dawn of time up till now. Their love just never fades away like our love. That is the true power of Love.
Sadly, the Sun and the Moon live in separation. Never be able to live together like we did. No matter how strong their love is, they are not destined to be together in this lifetime. The Sun will appear on the day to shine on the mankind but the Moon can only appear in the night to entertain the heartbroken ones.
One day the Moon said to the Sun,
“Oh My Love, you shine on the humans and made them happy for the rest of the day, and I will entertain them and give them a sense of peace and happiness in the night while they are making love, but truly I am lonely myself. You are never in my company. Will we be able to hold hands together like the human did?”
And so the Sun replied
“ Oh My Dear, I’m not trying to shine on them, but rather I’m shining my love on you so that you are not lonely. My light will make you glow beautifully and your beauty will make every eyes of the girls filled with envy and jealousy. We live in a world apart but I will always shine my love for you forever until The Lord Almighty bring us together in the Heaven”
The Moon is satisfied with the answer but never content with it. She loves the Sun so much that it is unbearable for her to live in separation.
One day, the Moon thought to herself, my heart must never falter and I must be strong in order to be with the Sun. From today on, I will linger on the sky until morning just to see the Sun even if it’s only for a while. The Moon was trying to show and prove her endless love to the Sun. So she stays every morning until noon just to have a brief moment with the Sun even her light is never the same as the night time. Her beauty is fading by the morning and she is sad that she cannot show the Sun her beauty. Even both of them appear on the same morning, they can only look at each other from a distant. They can never be closed enough to hold hands or to embrace each other tightly. Even so, the Moon was very happy because they got to see each other. Sadly for the Sun, he can only see the pale face of the Moon starring at him every morning, not that brightly glowing and the beautiful Moon.
So the Sun asked the Moon
“Oh My Love, why do you look so pale and sad?”
The Moon replied
“Oh My Love, I’m sad because I can’t be with you and above of all, I’m pale because you are shinning so bright. You showered me with so much love that it caused me so much pain just to think that I’m not with you”
The Sun is confused so he asked the Moon
“Oh Love, do you want me reduce my love for you so that you can light up the morning sky with your glow and smile?”
Listening to that, the Moon said quickly
“ Oh My Love, Never. If you don’t shine your love on me then I will forever be in the dark even at night and the scar on me will never heal”
So the Sun and the Moon continue to live like that. The Sun will shine the earth every day and when the night comes, the lonely Moon will try to cast the loneliness of the humans away. They got to see each other every morning and then they’ll be separated again. So the Moon is becoming greedier. She longs for the Sun every moment and watching him from a far every morning is not enough anymore.
So, the Moon asked the Sun again
“ Oh My Love, If i can linger in the morning so bright, why can’t you do the same at night? If you are present at night, I can always show you my beauty“
Hearing to the question, the Sun becomes clueless and don’t have the answer himself. He also wonders why can’t he shine at night. After giving some thought about it, the Sun replied;
“ Oh my Dear, have you forgotten the Words of Allah from the Holy Book of Al-Quran? “
So the Sun recited a verse of Al-Quran from Az-Zumar verse 5;
He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. He makes the night to go in the day and makes the day to go in the night. and He has subjected the sun and the moon. Each running (on a fixed course) for an appointed term. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving.
Listening to the verse, the Moon burst into tears and asked for Forgiveness from the Lord Almighty as she was trying to defy the rules of creation. Allah has made their destiny as so. She realizes that she could never be together with her beloved Sun. All she can do is to watch him from a far with pale, and sad eyes.
To ease the sadness of the Moon, the Sun then recited a verse from Al-Qiyamah, verse 8;
and the sun and moon will be joined together (by going one into the other or folded up or deprived of their light).
“Oh My Love, there will be time when we will be together. Please be patient “,the Sun said.
So the Moon and the Sun has been waiting and waiting until the Lord Almighty wishes them to meet each other.
The Sun and The Moon’s love is a very tragic love. Loving each other but never able to be together. There’s always that kind of love in this life that will never be able to be together in this world and surely Allah will grant your love wishes in the Heaven. Fate is in the Hand of Allah and Destiny is Allah’s haq for his servants. There will be time when your love will be realized. If Dunia Cinta is not for you, then Syurga Cinta is waiting for you. Adam and Eve met in Jabal Rahmah after years of searching and Allah fulfilled their love wishes. Just like the Sun and the Moon. Their love is destined to be together on the Day of Judgment. Allah has promised in Al-Qiyamah, when the Day of Judgment occurred is the time when the Sun and the Moon will meet. Oddly for them, in the chaos of the end of the world is the time for them to be happy forever.
For the love that is never to be realized in this world, I’m praying to God to give us the strength to be patient until the love comes to realize in the Paradise full of Happiness. Just wait like how the Sun and the Moon has been waiting for each other from the beginning of the world until the End of the World. Whenever you are tired of waiting, think of how long the Sun and the Moon have been waiting.
Remember Allah’s promise to those who are patient;
And those who remain patient, seeking their Lord’s Countenance, perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and spend out of that which We have bestowed on them, secretly and openly, and defend evil with good, for such there is a good end. (Ar-Rad, 22)
And also, for the unmarried couple who are so in love with each other, there’s a boundary of which you can’t cross. Never to touch what is not yours. Never take it too far until you are lost with love of lust until it became Nafsu Cinta. Just like the Moon and the Sun, they wait with patient for the time, so you should do the same. Your time will come when you tie the knot and you can touch whatever that is yours. Love is a form a Test from Allah. The lovey dovey thing would be for nothing and fruitless if it’s not purify with Ikhlas only for Allah’s sake. You want to harvest the sweetest fruit (pious children) coming out of your love. If you fail the test of love, then you would not reach the Paradise, do you? Patient is definitely what being tested in love. And those who are pious should be able to excel the test well. First Class Honors maybe.
Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are As-Sabirun (the patient)? (Ali-Imran, 142)
A woman is only halal for you when you marry her. Even if you change your Facebook status countless time, announcing you are now in relationship with that girl or that boy, nothing ever changes between you and her. Both of you remains ‘Haram’ for each other. So does engagement. Engagement would not automatically says she is ultimately yours. As I said before, marriage is the only way that you and your loved ones can act, live and love as a couple.
Allah Said in Al-Quran :
Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).(Al-Isra’, 32)
And the Prophet described what is the form adultery from the Hadith
Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: I did not see anything so resembling minor sins as what Abu Huraira said from the Prophet, who said, “Allah has written for the son of Adam his inevitable share of adultery whether he is aware of it or not: The adultery of the eye is the looking (at something which is sinful to look at), and the adultery of the tongue is to utter (what it is unlawful to utter), and the innerself wishes and longs for (adultery) and the private parts turn that into reality or refrain from submitting to the temptation.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Love is a funny thing, can be dangerous, can be tricky, can be a-long-tiring-endless-waiting, but if you love the right way you will surely touch the Heaven of Earth and the Heaven in the Hereafter.
Pretty sweet to think of the sun and moon as lovers..
and the truth as what Allah has promised in the Quran.
may we all find our true love.. and Allah knows best..
“Clouds may come, but clouds must go, and they all have a silver lining.
for behind each cloud you know, the sun, or moon is shining..”
Credit http://www.facebook.com/notes/ilani-muis/amour/315225532036 yg tag saya
inilah hasilnya.Enjoy!
There’s a quote from Yasmin Ahmad’s Talentime that I love the most. It sounds like this
‘ If the Moon can linger in the morning so bright, why can’t the Sun do the same at night?’
As I was walking back from my clinical rotation in Bons Secours Hospital today, the day was very beautiful and sunny, so I looked up to the blue sky spotted with white fluffy clouds to enjoy every moment of it and I realized the moon is still there not even hiding behind the clouds at 11.30 a.m.
And so I remembered the quote from the movie and yes, it’s true. The Moon even lingers up till noon when the day is very sunny. But it would not even appear on a gloomy rainy day when the Sun is hiding not showing himself. So I started to have this kind of imagination and fantasy about the Sun and the Moon.
For me, I always think, the Sun as a male as it portrays the Masculine features of strong, bright but sometimes could be very vulnerable. The Moon on the other hand is the female, with endless beauty, very serene to look at but could be very lonely. They made a very good and perfect couple, like it was destined from Heaven.
Have you ever thought that the Sun and the Moon are actually lovers? Why not? I mean because the Sun and the Moon are just like Adam and Eve. Without the Sun, the Moon will never exist to us as it only reflected the light from the Sun. So did Eve who was made from Adam’s rib, created to fill the spaces between Adam’s fingers. What a lovely couple the Sun and the Moon are, just like how lovely Adam and Eve were. Both couples were created in Heaven to shine upon all the mankind. It’s just that the love of the Sun and the Moon existed much longer before the love of Adam and Eve and their love persisted until today.
If the love of Adam and Eve is brought down from one generation to the next and the love breed filling every corner of the earth from the seed of love of Adam and Eve, the Sun and the Moon is different. Their love existed from the beginning of the world till the Day of Judgment and it will never change and it will never breed. Human’s Love blossoms from loyalty but can be full of cheat, treacherous and bitter to each other. But the Sun and the Moon always loyal to each other since the dawn of time up till now. Their love just never fades away like our love. That is the true power of Love.
Sadly, the Sun and the Moon live in separation. Never be able to live together like we did. No matter how strong their love is, they are not destined to be together in this lifetime. The Sun will appear on the day to shine on the mankind but the Moon can only appear in the night to entertain the heartbroken ones.
One day the Moon said to the Sun,
“Oh My Love, you shine on the humans and made them happy for the rest of the day, and I will entertain them and give them a sense of peace and happiness in the night while they are making love, but truly I am lonely myself. You are never in my company. Will we be able to hold hands together like the human did?”
And so the Sun replied
“ Oh My Dear, I’m not trying to shine on them, but rather I’m shining my love on you so that you are not lonely. My light will make you glow beautifully and your beauty will make every eyes of the girls filled with envy and jealousy. We live in a world apart but I will always shine my love for you forever until The Lord Almighty bring us together in the Heaven”
The Moon is satisfied with the answer but never content with it. She loves the Sun so much that it is unbearable for her to live in separation.
One day, the Moon thought to herself, my heart must never falter and I must be strong in order to be with the Sun. From today on, I will linger on the sky until morning just to see the Sun even if it’s only for a while. The Moon was trying to show and prove her endless love to the Sun. So she stays every morning until noon just to have a brief moment with the Sun even her light is never the same as the night time. Her beauty is fading by the morning and she is sad that she cannot show the Sun her beauty. Even both of them appear on the same morning, they can only look at each other from a distant. They can never be closed enough to hold hands or to embrace each other tightly. Even so, the Moon was very happy because they got to see each other. Sadly for the Sun, he can only see the pale face of the Moon starring at him every morning, not that brightly glowing and the beautiful Moon.
So the Sun asked the Moon
“Oh My Love, why do you look so pale and sad?”
The Moon replied
“Oh My Love, I’m sad because I can’t be with you and above of all, I’m pale because you are shinning so bright. You showered me with so much love that it caused me so much pain just to think that I’m not with you”
The Sun is confused so he asked the Moon
“Oh Love, do you want me reduce my love for you so that you can light up the morning sky with your glow and smile?”
Listening to that, the Moon said quickly
“ Oh My Love, Never. If you don’t shine your love on me then I will forever be in the dark even at night and the scar on me will never heal”
So the Sun and the Moon continue to live like that. The Sun will shine the earth every day and when the night comes, the lonely Moon will try to cast the loneliness of the humans away. They got to see each other every morning and then they’ll be separated again. So the Moon is becoming greedier. She longs for the Sun every moment and watching him from a far every morning is not enough anymore.
So, the Moon asked the Sun again
“ Oh My Love, If i can linger in the morning so bright, why can’t you do the same at night? If you are present at night, I can always show you my beauty“
Hearing to the question, the Sun becomes clueless and don’t have the answer himself. He also wonders why can’t he shine at night. After giving some thought about it, the Sun replied;
“ Oh my Dear, have you forgotten the Words of Allah from the Holy Book of Al-Quran? “
So the Sun recited a verse of Al-Quran from Az-Zumar verse 5;
He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. He makes the night to go in the day and makes the day to go in the night. and He has subjected the sun and the moon. Each running (on a fixed course) for an appointed term. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving.
Listening to the verse, the Moon burst into tears and asked for Forgiveness from the Lord Almighty as she was trying to defy the rules of creation. Allah has made their destiny as so. She realizes that she could never be together with her beloved Sun. All she can do is to watch him from a far with pale, and sad eyes.
To ease the sadness of the Moon, the Sun then recited a verse from Al-Qiyamah, verse 8;
and the sun and moon will be joined together (by going one into the other or folded up or deprived of their light).
“Oh My Love, there will be time when we will be together. Please be patient “,the Sun said.
So the Moon and the Sun has been waiting and waiting until the Lord Almighty wishes them to meet each other.
The Sun and The Moon’s love is a very tragic love. Loving each other but never able to be together. There’s always that kind of love in this life that will never be able to be together in this world and surely Allah will grant your love wishes in the Heaven. Fate is in the Hand of Allah and Destiny is Allah’s haq for his servants. There will be time when your love will be realized. If Dunia Cinta is not for you, then Syurga Cinta is waiting for you. Adam and Eve met in Jabal Rahmah after years of searching and Allah fulfilled their love wishes. Just like the Sun and the Moon. Their love is destined to be together on the Day of Judgment. Allah has promised in Al-Qiyamah, when the Day of Judgment occurred is the time when the Sun and the Moon will meet. Oddly for them, in the chaos of the end of the world is the time for them to be happy forever.
For the love that is never to be realized in this world, I’m praying to God to give us the strength to be patient until the love comes to realize in the Paradise full of Happiness. Just wait like how the Sun and the Moon has been waiting for each other from the beginning of the world until the End of the World. Whenever you are tired of waiting, think of how long the Sun and the Moon have been waiting.
Remember Allah’s promise to those who are patient;
And those who remain patient, seeking their Lord’s Countenance, perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and spend out of that which We have bestowed on them, secretly and openly, and defend evil with good, for such there is a good end. (Ar-Rad, 22)
And also, for the unmarried couple who are so in love with each other, there’s a boundary of which you can’t cross. Never to touch what is not yours. Never take it too far until you are lost with love of lust until it became Nafsu Cinta. Just like the Moon and the Sun, they wait with patient for the time, so you should do the same. Your time will come when you tie the knot and you can touch whatever that is yours. Love is a form a Test from Allah. The lovey dovey thing would be for nothing and fruitless if it’s not purify with Ikhlas only for Allah’s sake. You want to harvest the sweetest fruit (pious children) coming out of your love. If you fail the test of love, then you would not reach the Paradise, do you? Patient is definitely what being tested in love. And those who are pious should be able to excel the test well. First Class Honors maybe.
Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are As-Sabirun (the patient)? (Ali-Imran, 142)
A woman is only halal for you when you marry her. Even if you change your Facebook status countless time, announcing you are now in relationship with that girl or that boy, nothing ever changes between you and her. Both of you remains ‘Haram’ for each other. So does engagement. Engagement would not automatically says she is ultimately yours. As I said before, marriage is the only way that you and your loved ones can act, live and love as a couple.
Allah Said in Al-Quran :
Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).(Al-Isra’, 32)
And the Prophet described what is the form adultery from the Hadith
Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: I did not see anything so resembling minor sins as what Abu Huraira said from the Prophet, who said, “Allah has written for the son of Adam his inevitable share of adultery whether he is aware of it or not: The adultery of the eye is the looking (at something which is sinful to look at), and the adultery of the tongue is to utter (what it is unlawful to utter), and the innerself wishes and longs for (adultery) and the private parts turn that into reality or refrain from submitting to the temptation.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Love is a funny thing, can be dangerous, can be tricky, can be a-long-tiring-endless-wait
Pretty sweet to think of the sun and moon as lovers..
and the truth as what Allah has promised in the Quran.
may we all find our true love.. and Allah knows best..
“Clouds may come, but clouds must go, and they all have a silver lining.
for behind each cloud you know, the sun, or moon is shining..”
Credit http://www.facebook.com/notes/ilani-muis/amour/315225532036 yg tag saya
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Being a muslim,banyak jugak benda so called "happening" yg kite takleh buatla kat dunia sebab kang dapat dosa and masuk neraka simplified version aku la.aku yakin korang faham dan tak perlu elaborate.
so lets see kat sorga laki dapat bidadari dgn syarat kat dunia kat jadi stunt cock.so basically its gonna be like an orgy fest kan?then some riwayat says its the wives yg jadi ala pimp and hook up the man with the bidadari.so men are naturally sex craxy sampai kat sorga...
and women dapat all the gold,barang-barang cantik,perhiasan and what not,maka memang dasar material la.
pastu kalau makan,minum dia mmg champion la sesuai jugak dgn sifat mazmumah yg ke-2 ke pertama aku tak ingat.
arak pon boleh minum dgn rakusnya.tapi dalam buku tulih ckp bukan macam arak kat donia.siap ada sungai mengalir perbagai.
aku tetiba nak tulih ni sebab tepikir tentang mmg tabii manusia yg mmg Allah jadikkan mcm tu gamaknya sampai ke sorga itu yg kite dapat sebab kat donia dah menahan diri,napsu serakan so sampai sana amik ko amik!
karangan ni saje je sebab aku terpikir la.pastu aitu aku ada pasang cd bapak aku la pasal some fitrah kejadian manusia yg similar pattern Tuhan design.
so lets see kat sorga laki dapat bidadari dgn syarat kat dunia kat jadi stunt cock.so basically its gonna be like an orgy fest kan?then some riwayat says its the wives yg jadi ala pimp and hook up the man with the bidadari.so men are naturally sex craxy sampai kat sorga...
and women dapat all the gold,barang-barang cantik,perhiasan and what not,maka memang dasar material la.
pastu kalau makan,minum dia mmg champion la sesuai jugak dgn sifat mazmumah yg ke-2 ke pertama aku tak ingat.
arak pon boleh minum dgn rakusnya.tapi dalam buku tulih ckp bukan macam arak kat donia.siap ada sungai mengalir perbagai.
aku tetiba nak tulih ni sebab tepikir tentang mmg tabii manusia yg mmg Allah jadikkan mcm tu gamaknya sampai ke sorga itu yg kite dapat sebab kat donia dah menahan diri,napsu serakan so sampai sana amik ko amik!
karangan ni saje je sebab aku terpikir la.pastu aitu aku ada pasang cd bapak aku la pasal some fitrah kejadian manusia yg similar pattern Tuhan design.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Super Supir Supra
Fuuu...........*hembos napas*
Penat tapi kepuasan.Sempena hari Wilayah yg aku sambut sebab aku lahir kat kolumpo aku pergi road trip dgn Bik Jah dan Rocksetar.Plan nak pi Sg Chilling as early as the bird *bukan aku yg ckp*
So kami punya early is sekitar jam 1300hrs.Ini mungkin timing birds of prey ...so kami berangkat selepas kabut kat uitm sah alam dgn kwsp dgn uitm sah alam balik just in the nick of time.
So meh tgk hasil gamba yg tak seberapa kalau guna sony ericson aku sure lagi power.Tapi BB pon boleh blah jugak.

anies di sebalik sapik.lepaih jugak dia sembunyi celah patik!
So kami punya early is sekitar jam 1300hrs.Ini mungkin timing birds of prey ...so kami berangkat selepas kabut kat uitm sah alam dgn kwsp dgn uitm sah alam balik just in the nick of time.
So meh tgk hasil gamba yg tak seberapa kalau guna sony ericson aku sure lagi power.Tapi BB pon boleh blah jugak.

anies di sebalik sapik.lepaih jugak dia sembunyi celah patik!
View kat sini magnificent.Cantik...cantik.Itu muke posing menahan kepanasan matahari terik.Gojes sungguh kamu!auwwwww.....Ni kat area Dam.
Puteri pon kena besiap tau
Ni gambaq shiok lepas berendam.Sebenanya Sg Chilling totop aini.Kami ke sg berdekatan.Sejuk dan seronok tempat kitorg pi ni bersih.Tp tang masuk ke tempat ni amatla pathetic dan sedih.Kotoq!Babis betol.
Nak balik time people.Kalau jalan terus pi Frasers Hill
Iye kami memang sewiittt!
aku tgh perati jalan kamarudin.buruk gile rambut aku

Kesimpulan penat tapi puas.Dah riki riki.Banyak jugak tempat menarik kalau nak pi jenjalan esp ikut jalan lama.Macam cerita kereta-kereta disney tu.Pastu along the way ada some pit stop konon utk tgk scenic view.Jgn tertipu.Tak nampak pape sebab byk pokok.Budus punya lanskep arkitek.wakakakaa....
ok sekian majulah pekan koboi utk malaya.Kat pekan koboi takde jual bag coach.Itu kena carik kat ibukota.
ok sekian majulah pekan koboi utk malaya.Kat pekan koboi takde jual bag coach.Itu kena carik kat ibukota.
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