Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kisah panah petir 1



Ahh finally after a short hiatus due to stinky internet from home *I don't blog from the office...well maybe just sometimes...ahhh fuck it*

Susah gua nak maen castle age aku kat fesbuk.Kat BB kenot go.

Number of followers still dok diam at 10.Haish mentang-mentang aku tak glamer mcm artis.I dah tak sekolah.Therefore I kenot place or put up my elect. engr degree results every sem.I don't have beauty and brains ok?Takkan nak letak slip gaji.Buang tebiat.*muntah*

Anyways,for some mysterious reason I've been having people I don't really know wanting to add me up on facebook*ayat prasan glamer nak up padahal 3-4 butir org je*.To feed my curiousity *many thanks to stategically placed cleavage angles~some of the points pondered and taken into consideration~no worries syg,you're still on top of my list ok?* so of course I add them up. You either go woo*meleleh ayaq liuq~a serious case of pervertness*,or cheh dah berpunya but what the heck enjoys the pic,or hurm interesting.What ever nonsense it is lantakla.As long tak anta dalam inbox aku nak berkenalan sebab aku kelihatan seksi,ayu or anggun ok je.Most of just just and and don't give a shit.Layan kengkawan je most of the time.Or unless you add up a whole lot of people so that you can just tell then you are going to get married and be someones elses orang rumah when truth is you do even know half (quater...err 3/4 of them pon kan?)hey some people do ya know?It goes into their CV of bragg list.

"See my friend so many.You where got because you from some poorly tak cukup vitamin country not like me okeh?Plus you county hot like africano and very kampung...huh...ooommm ommmm"* nada mau sinis,mekap macm drag queen baru jadi*

Since I'm kinda on the topic of adding up anonymous people or not so or so so,let me take you to a journey quite some time ago.Final year,project...fucking busy.Unlike other uni,back in my bmi days we have no thesis,we have a technical project and we have to compile a thesis like report and do demos,explain shit on how this and that works and being grilled by lecturers on presentation days.Most survived,a few got the boot.

Anyways back on track my bud alang has this penchant for chatting with strangers.I happen to remember a chat with a person who wanted badly to share his/her webcast.Then....

"Woi Sidut!Korang meh tgk nih!",tetiba top student* menjerit dari dalam bilik
Aku,Bob and Odeng pon gi tgk lap top dia seraya menjerit

"Woi,ko gay ke alang,hahahahahaa?"*profanities profanities from different people at different tones and angles*

"Sidut mana aku tau aku main click je!"

"Tula lenkali jgn hantam je",terus aku click report abuse.

Long story short,we've been flashed.Double whammy cause we lived to see it.Triply whammy,man.....it clearly reminded us of Hutan Khatulistiwa.Quadriple whammy,I'm blogging about this and sure kena flamed!


Itu kisah tak best,ni kisah best.Same place slightly different scenario.Pc Bob.Partner project aku.We were supposed to finalize the VB programming with our BT robotics project.Hehehee....so much for BT control robot huh?

Switch that guy to a chick.

None of us care to report abuse.

Up until today of all people,I just can't comprehend how on earth Bob did it.Of all people Bob?Nope,no forest....just some sunny sunset paradiso.Comprende?


To love is to care and to care is to share.Korang ada kisah panah petir tak?

*top student refers to alang,dia orang jawa ada taik lalat hidup.I know its a fucking useless fact.what the heck ni republik aku.muahahahhahaa

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