Friday, January 30, 2009 to cherating was 0700 hrs.Yup,I was stuck alone in front of the locked office.Ezat said we were supposed to be here by 0700hrs.Oh well...

So it was at 0800 hrs and Pizis finally called.She had make me walk to her apartment next to the office.Well,I could use some morning exercise.I'm bloody sleepy,am now too actually!Grab hold of the office key and wait for Irwan's arrival.

Luckily,I got shuga mami to entertain my long 1 hour wait.(I'm surprised! She was up early and heading for morning jog) plus I got a book to read entitled Islam,Al-Qur'an dan Ideologi Masa Kini.I dug it from my father's little library.

The office is closed today as we're all heading to Cherating.Not so many memories of Cherating.Been there like 2-3 maybe 4-5 times before my uncle and aunt got divorced.Some old dusty stuff.Lost count.All I know it was a long long time ago.Primary school times.

So as usual,a daily dose of Facebook.Raqi sent me a message telling how impressed he was working with very organised Mat Salleh crew.Yup,true bro but nevertheless ada saja Mat Salleh yg Bodoh Sombong and look down on very capable local crew.A solid crew/team or what ever to me does not boil down to colour or creed.Kalau bagus dia bagus.Hitam,putih,biru,kuning,hijau etc who gives a shit.I know I don't.Work hard,work smart,honest and sincere lillahitaala insyaAllah all will be good.

Anyway,I feel good for Raqi.You have my prayers hopefully it reaches you in Panama!hahaaa.I chatted with with my marine captain and he told me and advised me just to stay put for just a little longer then in his words "Cabutla!".He has got friends all over the world and as long as I can prove my mettle no problem he said.Why stay when you can go he said.Go do freelance he told me firmly."Hang bawak balik duit bebanyak!"...hahaaa.Though the lure of $$$ is at times mindblowing I hope I don't get sucked into that "trap" and hanyut.Takut beb.The test in which many had failed.Nauzubillah

On a lighter note,my darling is leaving Paris today in her posh plushy Ferrari with Mamma mia.No more speeding and .....Haha..Oh Imaginasiku!

So happy weekends everyone.Do take care.Looking forward for the upcoming week!Faktor sudah pulang.hahaa...sewiittttttttttt!


cdalan said...

lalalalaa..shuga mami???

rawsktar said...

hahahah. back..but wif mamma mia. nk jumpa ke?ada brani?

sharkpitt said...

berani ajek.nothing to hide.