Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Signs you're in a disaster relationship

My bet is a good as yours,I would say no one given the choice wants to get married and end up being divorced.Kan?Kan?

And tak jugak wanting to be in a relationship and end up heart broken baik lelaki mahupon wanita.Cuma kalau takde jodoh tu kena terima.Well being humans kengkadang mmg sakit hotak tapi harus fikir juga.

So inipon aku jumpa dalam siri pembacaan aku.Sekadar memperingatkan diri dan juga sidang pembaca

1. Dishonestly - yourself or your partner
2. Communication - always ending up in an argument(and fist fights!ini aku tambah..)
3. Putting the other on a pedestal and putting yourself down
4. Destructive impulses
5. Compromise at your own expense
6. Feeling enclosed or shutting off from other friends
7. Fear of losing the other person with everything you do

Harap-harap,kite semua dijauhkan dari sifat-sifat tak elok.Wajar dan harus tegur-menegur dgn cara yg positif dgn cara berterusan.InsyaAllah.

LIE:You think by giving more and accepting less,you are the bigger person.
TRUTH:You do not have to give up who you are or what you enjoy.Why please someone else at your own expense?

LIE:You think that by working at it,the other person will change.
TRUTH:You're only one part of the relationship.If the other person doesn't change,it won't work.

LIE:You think by not telling your friends, you are protecting them from an uneasy truth that they don't need to know.
TRUTH:You're just protecting yourself from judgement and your partner from what you both are not proud of.

Aku amik info ni dari RD sambil layan Oprah.Terer la Suze Orman nih!

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