Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Love is in the air

Dah nak masuk "bulan bercinta" ni.Time inilah juga florist make serious money dari bulan-bulan lain gamaknya.Yup,true enough some would put aside their lactose intolerance and terima cokelat dr bf/gf bagaikan ia hadiah terbaik dan terkreatif.Tidak lupa jugak org akan bayar duit yg byk just to sit around in a fancy restaurant and stare at each other's eyes.Yup,maybe just maybe when the bill comes it might inject some $en$e...heh.So in theme and I found this excellent article in Reader's Digest.So lets share utk kesihatan bersama.

How to give your heart and heartly exercise?Love is the answer.

Women in a happy marriage is highly likely not to have a heart attack as opposed to a lovelorn sis.

Men who have sex 2-3 times a week halve their risk of cadriac arrest.

Kissing is also beneficial,it increases saliva production which reduces the bacteria that may cause gum disease(a proven contributor to heart disease)

Hugs can lower blood pressure and stimulate the release of the bonding hormone,oxytocin.

Bersumberkan Readers Digest.

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