Sunday, September 25, 2005

Mirror mirror on the wall

It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all. *Edward D Bono*

Fusheh it was a busy week.In fact,tomorrow(more like today already!) there is a gotong-royong at my "beloved" college.Freaks!First it it Sunday....2nd.People just don't wake up early on Sunday mornings(except when I was in school because we have classes on Sundays)...they truly don't get the concept of Sunday mornings.Like I said I had a busy week.Mid-sem + assignments.These days I don't have much this to yap about apart from studies and things related to study.I bore myself.Furthermore,I think I'm starting to bore my working class friends!hahahaa...Plus someone "kindly" calonkan me for JPP!hahahaaaa....I had my fair share of such things way way way wayyyyyy back then just to be exiled in the hands of Mehat!And yes Jumy shared the same fate.....kuang kuang kuang

So I had a session with my cousin.I teach(sometimes preach!) more like tutoring my couz.He asked me "Along,what is pantulan?"...."Hah pantulan tak tau!Pantulan tu reflectionla.Kalau you tengok cermin kan nampak yourself.Itulah pantulan"...Suddenly I wondered what if there is another parallel world within the mirror.An exact opposite instead of our image reflection!Cool.Probably no chaos.Maybe I'm good at other things other than numbers.Maybe I'm a poet or a short novelist(I went to Zurinah Hassan's house tadi...that just popped out) Maybe its fill with wizards as well,sorcerer ke?Then what about the mirror within the mirror?Another world perhaps?Serupa tapi tak sama?Hhhmmppp interesting.Probably inside Siti Norhaliza is famous for being the lousiest singer!Hahaaaa you wish!Mawi tu drag queen ke?!hahaaaa....jangan marah ye Mawi World!

Oh!I wanted to type something wait wait I'll go get that piece of information(Shafik left the PC and walks to the room...)

(Shafik is back!) I got this from a textbook actually.The history of the world "bug" synonimous with the wired world folks.Alkisah...

A program stopped running on the Mark 1 at Harvard Uni on Sept 1945,Grace Hopper traced the malfunction to a dead insect that had gotten into the electrical circuits.She recorded the incident in her log book at 15:45 hours as "Relay #70...[moth] in relay.First actual case of bug being found"

Hence the word "bug"!Itu je.We often use it in programming without thinking about it.In fact as we type using this keyboard pon data being transfered and we don't really think how things work.For starters here is a good link.Tetan aje.Menarik!I shall not elaborate on that.Can read.Tanya aja Pakcik Google utk maklumat +++.

Till next time.....

Wait wait suddenly idea comes.Remember the movie "Back to the Future 2" where car flies and all?I noticed birds weren't around.Maybe since we have to share the skies these birds decided not to fly.Takut accident!Similarly like stray dogs and cats!Perhaps they evolved at can fly much higher!If human take their domain what is the fun being a bird!They can't bombard us with their shit if we piss them off!(Even if we don't piss them off chances are kena BOMB!esp kat 15 haahaaaaa....poor Zano.Kisah-kisah silam) or maybe the had enough of flying they decided to walk on land instead or maybe they decided to share the seas and be like ducks instead main air pulak!Maybe nanti we have birds hitchin a ride in our flying cars,trucks and such that birds have a high rate of death due to obesity!Sebab dah malas terbang!hahhahaaaaa.Lemak pon bertambah!Then animal activies will protest on the effects of flying cars.Then all hell broke lose....hhhmmmmpp

Fell free to contribute to my sci-fi flick!hahahahaaa.Till next time.

Love is all around
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love *Albert Einstein*

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