Monday, May 08, 2006

perghhhhh~no suitable title

another not so blissful day.i was okay in the monday blues as class starts at 10pm.15 days and the first paper comes knocking on yer laugh at me please for most of those at my getting to ripe age are busy planning for their big day, busting their heads in the office,work site and getting paid to do so!jealous i may be but i'm just jealous about the monetary aspect.still i can have fun....fair enough.huahahahahhaaaaaa
so yesterday was an uneventful event.the college held a telematch inter floor.huh?inter floor.okay okay we are a small place with around 1500 students.well, what fun about is that we got to have fun but the bad part is that some commotion happened.nak bergaduh because of some small petty things.okay somehow somewhere some folks just hates the bejangles sight of degree students.reasons?i don't know.there is this thing a stigma or two which couldn't understand since it deals with some people state of freaking mind.since my floor is largely made up of really active degree students we are deemed of boos and chants for reasons we don't know.majority are diploma any true malaysian story when one has some personal things it then crept to other group members(which actually should just not be bothered with small petty things like awek,shit and what not) but the whole lot gets the a muslim starts terrorising the whole muslim fraternity gets the blame.that sort of shit!o just can bear to see the state if miopic mindedness these fools have to show.what's even worst is that this will solidify the warden and fellow policy of you can't choose your room mate next semester to create more mixture,kill the clannish,cliqish culture(i don't think it will solve the problem tho)

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