Wednesday, May 31, 2006


ALHAMDULILLAH!SYUKUR!MERDEKA!MERKADE!HALLELUJJAH!YIPPEE YIPPY YAY!Finally the torment is all but over for this semester.kah kah final paper was power electronics and goodness it was mind bending.i happened to be the not so few who left early.hmmphhh....i saw a lot of peeps with toyol.happily for me i never used toyol matter how good i performed or how worst i did never in my life i sneek in notes into the exam ain't just about studied well you perform.not so well well you know the answer...

my mind is now set on tmn negara.i shall be leaving for tmn negara on this saturday 3rd june.a day after my 25th what i want for my birthday.simple.good books,comics and cash!hahahaaaa.

so off to the wilderness.insyaAllah next year after my InTra off to the sunny beaches of east coast well maybe just maybe off to anywhere goes.cherio and all smiles!

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