Thursday, June 02, 2011


Alhamdulillah,I am now 30.I did plan on getting married at this age actually but God thought otherwise.He was probably right because I think God felt I am horny and "Thou shall get married at 29 instead" so now I am happily married man.

Far from achieving my dreams just yet but dream on I must~whoa sound so intellect *barf*

I must thank my lovely wife for the cupcakes surprise though it did not turn out well,well I was cooking and cleaning the kitchen so hahaa...I was much more surprised that Chics turned out at our doorsteps!

Anyway, I do hope I land that offer but if I do not get that offer maybe it is not my rezeki just yet. I will keep on trying. I am quite optimistic but anything can happen.So fingers crossed and berdoa is the answer.

Thanks for the lovely wishes and Happy Birthday to me you old terd!

1 comment:

rawsktar said...

sobs sobs saprais tak jadik