Tuesday, January 05, 2010

@ ) ! )

I actually had something written a few days ago but I decided to scrap it. I have no particular new year resolution. I just hope and pray for more good things to come not just to me but everyone close and dear to me.

On a sad note Usop and Ell lost their 1st child together.I'm sure the baby boy is waiting for you guys up in heaven.I pray and hope that my sister Anis,Sasha the Mak Buyung,Kak Mimi & Kak Ayu(my cousins),Azi would safely give birth to healthy babies.Ameen.InsyaAllah.

To my friends busy trying!Keep it up!*Ready,Steady,Aim,FIRE!*.All the best and keep the good times rolling.GO!GO!GO!*ala CS*.

To my friends,who are planning to get married,all I can offer is a prayer for an everlasting love and happiness.Lets be realistic turmoil,trial and tribulations is part of the deal.Nevertheless ,cherish the moments otherwise we might just live to regret it.

To those who not hitched yet,your time will come. Rezeki comes in many forms,shapes and sizes! Chins up and live life. There is more to life.

is back from States and I've yet to see her.Come to think of it I haven't seen Bai too since "The day Peah got shy eating Ayam Golek Incident".Peah memang pemalu orangnya.

My hope for 2010 is to bring more happiness to my family and friends simply by being a better person.InsyaAllah.


Sasha Sharifuddin said...

innalillah..my heart goes out to your friends Usop and Ell..I hope both parents will stay strong in going through this test..If me and suami can, insya allah they will too.

and thank you sapik! I wish you well too!!!Communication and compromise ok?Penting tu!

*word verification kau 'lotion'..somehow its sounds pornographic coming from your blog!hahahaha!*

buih said...

Oi! aku bukan pemalu aa..

aku sopan.

sharkpitt said...

Alhamdulillah both usop and ell are taking it calmly.

Time kasih atas nasihat puan.InsyaAllah saya coba.

haaa lotion,myb time tu ko horny!hahaha

Baikla kamu sopan!hahahha

Nariko said...

usop and ell? ex jenan ke?
hope they recover well.. prayers to their baby..

thanks shaq.. for the thoughts. kitorg pun tak putus2 doa so this baby selamat deliver and sihat. Amiin

sharkpitt said...

Usop and ell kengkawan zaman sek. bmi.bukan jenan.alhamdulillah kengkawan jenan sume stakat ni alhamdulillah.

semoga dipermudahkan urusan utk bayi kelak!Ameen

buih said...

penjerung model hari 6 dari 365.


sharkpitt said...

En Buih terima kasih kerna memodelkan saya!