Sunday, December 13, 2009

Golek-golek di hari Ahad

Waking up at dawn with a stomach ache is not how I want to spend my Sunday.Up the ante,I vomited.It was colourful!I had fruits for breakfast so in and out it goes.I pretty much helped myself with an excellent gamat balm.I did some self reflexology on my foot and pretty much massaging my tummy.It was after vomiting I felt much better.No wonder the site recommended a self induced vomiting after massaging the right spot.

Practically bed ridden and many thanks to an unsecured internet connection I kept myself occupied as I try to get some sleep.I ended doing a Graphology!The science of handwriting and character analyzing in short.Here is the link should you have some spare time at office.LOL

So here is my "analysis"

Dear shafik,

Here is your personal handwriting analysis! This will be a general reading of your handwriting, and what it says about you and your personality. Enjoy.

By analyzing how you cross your 't's, one can determine if you have problems controlling your temper. Your t-bars join with their stems quite even and accurately. This indicates that you do not have a bad temper.

How you dot your 'i's indicates your attentiveness to details. You dot the 'i' carefully every time directly over the stem. This shows that you have a strong attention for detail. You could be a nitpicker or a perfectionist, and you will likely have a good memory.

Determination is your ability to keep moving continuously toward a goal. Analyzing your 'g's and 'y's will show if your determination is strong or weak. You make your letter 'g's and 'y's with a straight stem., from this it's obvious that you finish what you start! You expect to get things done right away.

Intuition is the ability to understanding things without reasoning. How intuitive are you? To answer this we must examine the letter-spacing of your words. Because your letters are printed and not cursive we are not able to evaluate your intuitive ability.

The lack of loops on your 't's and 'd's indicate that your feelings aren't going to be hurt easily. In fact, you are not sensitive to criticism at all. You can be objective about the opinions of other people and accept or reject these opinions without getting emotional about them.

The analysis of your slant is always more accurate answer if you've used unlined paper. The lack of a slant in your handwriting indicates that you are rigid. You could put an imaginary ruler beneath your handwriting. You are obsessed with structure and have a fear of being proved wrong. You are imposing stress on yourself and others around you.

In your 't's, the relatively even weight of your 't-bar' to the stem indicates that you have moderate willpower. Your goals are a little clearer in your mind. You can decide what action to take.

The lack of loops you have at the bottom of your 'm's and 'n's indicates that you don't worry about things. You're confident in yourself and your decisions.

We hope that gives you a little more insight into your personality, and your handwriting. Thanks for visiting us.

Your friend,
The OFE Graphologist


OOOooooo............macam tu ek?Menarik jugak analisis mereka.Lepas ni aku baca horrorscope plak.

MEMANG TAK PRODUKTIF hari Ahadku.Plannya pelbagai ye dok!!Kita merancang,Tuhan menentukan.

Malam ni arSENGAL vs LFC.Siapa akan menangis selepas wisel penamat?

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