Thursday, May 14, 2009


after getting sucker punched for some personal reasons,it felt refreshing(because it makes you think!)...inject and put some sense back in my normal skull(kalau adamantium dah kena tembak tau!).so i'm back on track.thank you,you're most gracious and kind.insyaAllah i'll remember,thank you so much for correcting me.,i owe some peeps answer(s) regarding my "battle wounds".firstly,they are not battle wounds.secondly,it a method of treatment similar like having to drink air yassin/doa normally associated when 1 goes to Dr. Haron Din's Darul Syifa or Uztaz Ismail Kamus' clinic to do a bit of "inner cleaning",barokah,mysterious illnesses, etc etc.its just that instead of having to drink the method is done by hitting some parts of your body with a small nona stick(more like a twig.serious!).and know they don't whack you to Timbuktu,its a slow process but the effect is like what you saw in the pic.yup,it defies logic.serious...seriously works like a me!

being a moslem for that matter we are though to believe in "benda ghaib".God,Angels,Demons,Jins and etc.well all of us are born with an evil twin called Qarin.Likewise this world is shared with "them" both bad and good(not just your Qarin).sometimes even our actions are dictated by them...hard to swallow eh?You can do some research and further readings. Dr Haron Din came up with several volumes of Gangguan Jin dan Makhluk halus.Worth reading if you're into this.This is one way of me getting rid of the nuisance but well they will come back.We are all host and that's a fact.Let's face it we're not exactly angels aren't we?

But if you want some crap sure there's always Tamar Jalis' "Siri Bercakap Dengan Jin"...heheh*dulu glamer siut buku ni*

I'm ending my entry for now.

I got this from wiki just in case you guys are wondering where Timbuktu is

Timbuktu (Timbuctoo; Koyra Chiini: Tumbutu; French: Tombouctou) is a city in Tombouctou Region, in the West African nation of Mali. It was made prosperous by Mansa Musa, tenth mansa (emperor) of the Mali Empire.[2][3] It is home to the prestigious Sankore University and other madrasas, and was an intellectual and spiritual capital and centre for the propagation of Islam throughout Africa in the 15th and 16th centuries. Its three great mosques, Djingareyber, Sankore and Sidi Yahya, recall Timbuktu's golden age. Although continuously restored, these monuments are today under threat from desertification. Timbuktu is primarily made of mud.[4]


Yati Suzari said...

my dad told me the same thing. tu kalau rasa bulu belakang tengkuk meremang tu, ha Qarin la tu. Dia bagi warning.

sharkpitt said...

betul betul.