Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Keeping cool.Thumbs up


Being a leader you're bound to be scrutinize under a microscope. It is good to have a concern citizen among the BMI fraternity. That concern citizen student is a fellow blogger called mr. bearzz
(shafik101~I think he is a bear aficionado!)
(shafik1~bila zaman hang cakap omputeh?)
(shafik2~kang dia wat ckp jepun lagi leceh!)
(shafik101~my japanese is very rusty.i think i should borrow shaza's linguaphone!)
(shafik1234~dia buat dah....)

I think what he is doing is excellent especially on the leadership. I was a student representative and I have to admit things weren't always that smooth sailing but we sailed through. I have to admit partly that I had a really good and strong team more than able to work independently. Those were the days. Ooh!

At times comments and criticism hits hard on you, it is easy to put blame on others or does it? Being on top commands respect. How you speak up your minds shows your level of intellect and maturity. Its been a while since I last wrote is a serious manner for I am one hell of a laid back, relax not so old chap but I have 0 tolerance for incompetency! After reading the unikl community blog it is definitely a good step in better "student governance" so to speak!

I had numerous ideas and thoughts but unfortunately putting studies first
(shafik~I am a self sponsored student. I was quite close with the finance dept officer esp the bigboss pn yusmaidar...and with other staff as well. That is how I know some bits and pieces on the $ stories)

Anyway,back to reality I do hope the JPM (formerly known as JPP) will contribute their side of the story, give feedbacks~the bad,the good,the ugly and treat the discussion in a open and engaging manner. Sometimes, people will crack their whip but to overcome this its best that one equip himself/herself with knowledge. Respect others and people will respect back!

I for one am far from perfection.Who cares we are only human. Pleasing everyone is impossible. Staying true to oneself is one thing and that is important. So I do hope the komunitas will go on scrutinizing but hear them say. Listen to their side as well. Only then draw a conclusion.
(shafik1234~jgn hentam aje.bagi peluang mereka mencelah)
(shafik~being hentam is part and parcel of being a leader!)
(shafikoso~that is why we need a capable leader otherwise all Barang Naik maa!)
(shafik~hahahaaa....true true)

But if they just keep on quiet?
(shafiksays~no stand!what else?engage in an intellectual debate.matured and cultured.baru betul!)

So my hope is that things will get better soon.InsyaAllah
(shafik101~change government is it?)
(shafik~PANG!ini bukan politikal blog la...gua tak register pon kat SOPO central!)


xxxxxxxxxx said...


hehe.. nice writing.... yup, as u said, scrutinize them and at the same time hear what they want to said to answers all the rumours made in the minds and shout by the mouth of BMI's students.

we'll be more tolerable wif them as long as they play their part to jaga kebajikan rakyat BMI. hhuhuhuhu... keep supporting us ya!!!!

and thanks being commented in my blog as all ur 2cents boleh jugak dipakai dan difikir... hehehe....

sharkpitt said...

thank you!