would it be engaging,captivating or utter rubbish?
f**k it!i'm not a writer.i'm an adventurer.my current escapade~climbing

its a good workout.
its quite dangerous.
its you versus yourself.its you against the terrain.it ain't about impressing others.you challenge yourself.its camaraderie.its about trust.its fighting the mental block.
in life we all aspire to be better.move up higher!when you climb...you would always want to climb higher and higher.
climbing = self satisfaction
any takers?
1 comment:
that's a captivating first line! maybe because there's my name in it! :-)) (hehe.. siakuk gell) Mendaki tempat tinggi pada saya adalah salah satu usaha mencari Tuhan, sebab Allah adalah Al-A'la= Yang Maha Tinggi! Nabi Muhammad mendaki bukit ke Gua Hira untuk bertafakur dan mendapat wahyu pertama baginda di situ. Nabi Musa berbicara dengan Tuhan di atas puncak bukit. Nabi Ibrahim membawa Ismail ke tempat tinggi untuk dikorbankan. Jadi, Selamat Mendaki! Semoga "bertemu" Tuhan!
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