Wednesday, June 21, 2006


so today i'm not going to babble bout my adventure.i felt malas to do maybe tomorrow.german won!excellent.nope i don't speak german.darn those kids dok melantak BBQ.well,i was left out since i'm not directly involved with armi's wedding.only performers and yes they have to tell others about that in front of the non invited.ish ish lucky them its me.who is so used to be left out since let me see...urm *grins* urmm *grins* some more.well,lets just say early twentys because i wasn't so why i'm talking about this topic its because i've learned that you have to be your own bestfriend and if you're a dude then be a man.ok i do have bestfriend but i firmly believe that they can only be there ke satu tahap aje .other than that!na~na*geleng kepala kiri dan kanan*furthermore,i did read suria's entry on lelahki sensitip sedemikian which ironically hmmppp...but i can blame it on puberty!lolz :D...but knowing me.... the more i grow the younger i get!NOT!lolz :D nah!i'm getting older but whats important is WISER!KNOWLEDGABLE!that counts a lot in life.thus my observe more and speak less policy.the more you speak the more you show your vulnerability.speak necessarily.that's why i hate busy bodies but when it comes to sharing ilmu i don't mind being pestered.that's why talking too much falls into sifat mazmumah!so typing doesn't count?lolz :D.anyway,since i'm on this topic i hope those who read can be sensitive enough to give a look around just in before i stray further i wish all happy days ahead!and to suria. selamat nak kahwin!


Suria Khamis said...

you got left out??!!!!!

you are definitely not listed under the lelaki cepat terasa hati department okay. i was referring to someone else. definitely not my kawan2 dari sekolah...

i still don't get it. why leave you out... why was it just for performers?

besides, the original performers weren't yang nyanyi2 takat sampingan tu... ada 5 jer original performers by right. itu pun sorang takde, pegi bangkok...

i side you! don't worry... derang bukan best sangat... we'll have our own makan2 nanti.. .

oh, sorry cause i don't have your number with me at the mo. am using mom's hp cause an's using mine. sorry!!!

sharkpitt said...

its ohkay