Wednesday, March 01, 2006

thots of a militant millitant mind!

its been a while.not feeling well these two days.on the werge nak mengamuk je!thank god tak jadi sampai begitula!work has been pouring in like the angel waterfalls.bought a copy of klue still yet to read.managed to capture a line on the closing of no black tie due to licensing issues and paul's place if i'm not mistaken.tomorrow i'll shall start my kinjetsu class.yup looks like another batman in the making.i won't be using any katana thought!hahaaaa.the moment i told my mom i wanted to join this class she was more than happy to merestukannya!probably after that i have to make billions then bolehla jd batman?!hahahaaaa.....well,manalah taukan?hot babe dah ada(awek aku la sapa lagi!) thought its a pity i could not layan her sebab masalah keje and our geographical.irina applied for masters programme kat u i kecik tm (UiTM).....labview nak buat kat BMI due to overwhelming support from the students.i hope nanti our campus jd the melting pot for future NI engineers.that is my dream at improve we have to take chances.take risk.maybe later in the future jd satellite campus for free je boleh tolong R&Dkan umum!even a better dream.hmmpphhh
yesterday we were audited by LAN.the degree students and the programmes.we are yet to be audited and accredited.i hope we got it.i was handpicked to be it was fun.getting the right picture and all the clear details.terus boleh tanya stuff relating benda2 belajar ni.senang and tak pening!i had 2 sessions(by accident)i was in the jpp session and again in the student session.i actually substituted with my friend fic.biar org lain share their piece of mind.takyah bolot all right?what saddens me is that those few who tend to talk at back but when given the chance to speak out their mind they kept mum.WTF?!serious i find that stupid and disturbing!apparent among malays kata lecturer sorang nih.i agree but disagree.ikut background said another lecturer.this i agree.hmmppphhh,somehow i think that the LAN auditers tu sure kenal my uncle.i fondly refer to as abah.he got quite a rep.tapi tak tanya pulak sebab that was not the subject of our discussion.
as i wish to bable more but i'll save some for later so thousand apologies to my one and only awek missy irina hariati for not being able to be there(like i always say i'll be there when the time comes ok?!)anyone who reads my blog sebab lama tak update.if and only if ada connecrtion yg kuat bgt kat bilik tu confirm on a daily basis!jumy i hope whoever rampok you get a well deserved lightning blast from the Almighty,udin,fiqa~ayaaa lu guys apa cerita?!its been a while.okeh ESOK AKU MAIN PEDANG!hahahaaa.....i hope it will improve my focus on life even more.
spread the love
angry ip angry ip

1 comment:

irina muis said...

oooh, batman.... my favourite superhero between the 3. ooo, swords..... ooooooh...