Thursday, August 25, 2005


today i worked half day.actually i'm a part timer in least i'm doing something and getting paid doing usual i had my dose of jumy and miss suria's blog.the take it easy mr thinker and the always sunshiny lady.for some reasons my template does not come out the way that i wanted so i can't click on enol's blog.bummer.and yes i'm too lazy to type the add.rafiqa and i always say that jumy is one of a kind.frankly,i rate this guy day he will make it big!and so do i.and so will you(only if you're reading this!).everyone has potential.everyone is is the community,it is the people that makes you think you don't!hahaaa.sounded bit like a politian...semangat Merdeka!i'm sure they will be showing P.Ramlee's "Sgt Hassan" or "Lft Adnan".

my mid semester break is drawing to an end.what the hell.we can't slow the time let alone stop it.jumy's latest entry was on the topic of convocation.well,i had mind.i wasn't too happy back then,knowing that i could have done better and exactly now!) that i think about it i just smiled and feel releived knowing that i actually made,a new challenge.hhmmphh,more like a journey.sounds sweeter!heheheeee

what makes a character unique?what makes a person great?is it their idea?is it because they are bloody smart?like beauty,everyone definesuniqueness differently.personally,i think everyone of us is bloody unique and that simply makes us.well us.we also share certain elements of similarity despite of our uniqueness.maybe so,so that we don't get carried away with our uniquess,braininess and other ~ness'!hahahaaaa.i sound like i'm going in circles don't i?life is a circle! thats pure fact baybeh.

i discussed this topic with irina last night.about having dreams and such.i have nothing against having bombastic dreams.i think it great to dream.well not those fetish dreams(and yg sewaktu dgnnya!).dreaming to be a millionaire,dreaming nak jd mcm oprah,nak pandai like ibn Sina,being a great leader,menteri go ahead,driving big cars or having dreams of making it REALLY BIG!if people think you are crazy,its ok coz i won't!muahahahahhahahaaaa....

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