Tuesday, August 16, 2005

another day in skool

another productive day in skool!yeah right?actually am right.here i am,stuck in the OA.wished it had been OU instead.NOT! : (

done with my dose of suria's sunshiny life.then jumy's blog.he always comes out with "stuff".i can't seem to classify it.mine?full of rojakness.basically,carca-marba!kuangkuangkuang(even the laugh is inconsistent.suria will go like muahahahahahhaa.jumy uses the regular 4 letter word or lol.yasmin doesn't curse.rafiqa~miserable in updating her blog!others?malas nak comment.irina hariati awekku,she should start blogging because she can really write!she writes but she doesn't blog.not a diary but more like....erm...um...there i go again.unclassified!but yes,she is fab~ok?now where in my tub of Baskin's?hahahaaa)

being a student again and living in a "compounded area"(sounds like dog pound!) ,God!i missed the kitchen the most.then the TV!(the worlds kewlest invention!hahahahaa)....terasa tak cukup makan!dahla kurus....erk!that's life.alaaaaa 3 years aja.maybe for my final year i'll be staying in UKay Perdana.Then,maybe then,in the UK pulak!hahahhahahaa InsyaAllah!

so for my finals only 30% will be counted.sikit?oh yeah!the assignments just keep on coming.week in week out.so far alhamdulillah....still managable.the all dudes class really work our things out!hahahahaaa...kaw~tim

mr nadrul's new bass pickup that i galdfully helped install and soldered still rhymes in my head.gotta get one.gotta get one.gotta get one.target end of this year!kena ada target?!tak gitu.

so i'll wave goodbye for now.i haven't been reading newspapers so the creative juices are lacking!hahahahahaaaa.with a heavy workload,you just feel waanting to write and let loose.nothing heavy .tapi tak rock,no comments.if there is a comment,i find it intriguing!anyway,ive killed some time.next week,mid-sem.CUTI!CUTI!CUTI!(kepada kawan-kawan yg bekerja~anda tahu diri anda sapa.aku cuti!hahahahhahahaaa)

till next time.no quotes for today!"wink" :D

p/s:today i found out our lecturer mr shah is a fan of gundam.kewl!


Anonymous said...

tis is a comment

now be intrigued.

Anonymous said...
