Friday, July 15, 2005

another week passes by

my life as a student shifts from the induction week to the start the classes week.swell!i get this itchy twichy feeling of can't blog as much.argh.darn it.sir hisham was right 40 days of doing the same thing turns it into habit!btw sir hisham is my CAD huh?!i'm actually learning CAD.i'm actually trying to access his online tutorials and notes and more stuff but to no avail.server timed out!i'm aslo learning a thing or two in programming.C++,finally some serious stuff.unlike the old pascal thing i used to learn.good news is the lecturer knows her stuff.thank god!we have to refer our lecturers as madams for the female staffs and sir for you know who.oh!now that i'm working on CAD,i got to lay my hands on iMAC's!and end of the semester we're gonna learn MAYA...yup for our 3D modelling class!hahahhahaaa......kewl kewl kewl.and yes there is the usual maths class.hmmppphhh...insya Allah ok.e&e....ok jugak.lecturer best!we also have open access lab.lab 24-7!hahhahaaa.....something to blow!yippiee.......actually i'm still getting used to the new environment.still getting myself for english,we have to be well versed and we're learning technical communications skills and communications.sounds so canggih!i still can access the pc and mac labs since my proper matrix card is still ain't ready.oh well!one at a name is up.the first casualty.tak dapat loan MARA.apparently,my parents are considered rich!ok,they're the ones with money but not me!still i still need the cash!takpe maybe that is a sign for the Almighty for me to work really really hard more like work really really smart and help others as well along the way.baiklah!tuan tuan dan puan puan.i'm signing off now.slowly but surely i'll be up to my full self!yippie.peeps wish me luck and pray for my success as well.kenangi daku dalam doamu!chiow.more stories to come.bye

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