Wednesday, June 22, 2005

3rd July


Mari anak-anak kita pergi sekolah...


Those are some of the words from R.Azmi's song.If all goes well I'll be enrolling in British Malaysian Institute(BMI) somewhere in Gombak.Gulp!Actually I find it quite freaky returning into the student and institutional life again after a year off doing all sorts of stuff!

I haven't done any major preparations.Just relaxing at least until the end of this week!By next week I'll try to relax some more! pressure?Ya right!?A 24 year old going back to school.Come to think about it less pressure than having to succumb to office politics or site politics(I used to work as a
buruh kasar...penat oh!Esp during the fasting month)

I finished reading Klue
(My gf reads em religiously!Its cheap and fun too.And I can read it too.No need those Cleo's,Cosmo bla bla bla blurrrr....) mag.My God!I love Sharifah Amani.I think she's cute(Yes she is!) .Cuter than Ekin AF3! (Jumy...Take that buster!hihihiii).Klue is a cool mag.Really it is.I like the newsletter part.Free bashing and no politics.Speak your mind kinda thing but no politics(thank God!)

An incident took place.One of my friends car got broke into.Habis.Luckily,the car is still there(looking at the brighter side of things...but still sedihkan?)

If I were a lawmaker.Crooks and thieves their hands should be chopped off!(what about being sawed off?)Period.

Sexual abusers,head shot!Only death can justify their act.Perhaps chopping off their "anu" would be a good substitute as well.Tortured to death seems cool.

Drugs addicts.!st time,send them to those place...ermmmm pusat serenti.2nd time?Maybe shoot them.Waste of taxpayers money!Millions and millions.And it is an effective way of not spreading HIV and AIDS.Those poor women and kids!
(Geraaammmm nih!)

Okay,judging from this,I'm really not fit for the job!Hahaa.I don't think its cruel at all though.

Erm,I'm signing off.I'm gonna continue my reading.Currently,I'm reading Salina.A Malay novel by A.Samad Said.

Ok I know Jumy loves Linux
Mr Yap,she called you a retard?She shiok at you one...

Gee,guess what.What?I'm getting a new set of speakers.Should I trade my Rotel Amp for a NAD amp?To trade or not to trade...that is the question?And where did I put my my interconnects again?Oh no!Not again...

Darn I need a new bass guitar with a kick ass bass amp.Loud enough to make a women dress fly high(NOT!)kahkahkhakhaahahakahaaa....I'm turning crazier!

No idea is too crazy and no dream is too wild.Live your dreams and push forward!Bye for now

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