Friday, April 01, 2005


Schindler's List(Steven Speilberg 93)
Starring:Liam Neeson,Ralph Fiennes,Ben Kingsley

Even before the release Spielberg confessed that certain details had been chnaged "for reasons of good taste""The SS had lots of marksmen,and just for fun they threw babies out of windows alive and shot them like skeet.I wouldn't show that in the movie.I couldn't even with dolls."

However,after the release Emilie,Schindler's widow protested that far from being a humanitarian,her former beau had been a alcoholic philanderer."He must had some redeeming virtue",carped the bitter old Kraut.Furhermore she did boast that in her memoirs that she had saved more jews compared to the man himself.Backed up with some expert claim that Schindler played little part in drawing up the "famous" list she eventually got 50,000 from Mr Speilberg.Emilie also complained that the commandant of Plaszow labour camp was a brute dude who trained his dog to rip prisoners apart(yup!rip them apart) rather than the enigmatic guy portrayed by Ralph Fiennes.

Finally,the scene that caused much offense was the finale in which tearful Schindler fled away after making profit from the war-bemoans not having saved more prisoners.chiowed penniless?Dr Sue Vice of dept of Holocaust studies of Sheffield Uni suggested that Spielberg did this to suggest that Schindler was altruistic.Actually even survivor suggested that it was money that motivated him and he was always a Nazi Party member!

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