Ho Chi Minh aka Saigon,PR Vietnam 28th - 31st Jan 2011
Sumpah negara paling bingit dengan bunyi hon.
Ringkasannya kisah ada disini juga. Click me pinch me!
So anyways,ini kisah kami juga.
We stayed at Saigon Mini Hotel 5.Not exactly a budget hotel but lengkap amenities and for USD33 per night it was money well spent.Bed and breakfast.Kalau takde bacon with the omelette mmg gua sesar,tapi sebab periuk balanga depa bantai goreng bacon so aku geli.Roti standed ada baguette maklumla penah kena "franchise"
Our hotel is located at Bui Vien st, yang sangat dekat dgn Pham Ngu Lao st and De Tham st. Ni streets yang happening kat Saigon sebb area backpackers.So actually the street foods are cheap and kat sini is where most of the tours are.Mat and minah salleh byk giler.Arak kat sini murah USD 1 so mmg tak heranla kalau depa flock this are.Rooms as low as 10USD boleh dapat actually.Kena rajin sikit.
Ohh kalau korang baca Anies punya blog haaa ni la gamba kerbau tu
Besaq gedabak.Spesel tempat ni sebab ada rooftop barbecue.Maap tak halal so tgk dari bawah je la.(idung kerbau tu boleh keluaq asap neon!)
So anyways,tanpa berlengah malam pertama kat situ,berjalan la kami ke the fame Benh Tahn market,haa AWAS tempat ni mmg heaven utk Wanita.Laki hahaaa nurakka beb!Tapi berkorbanla utk org tersayang.Malam tu tak masuk sebb dah tutup.Keliling dia ada night market.So sama jela dugaan dia.Along the way,ada taman yg depenuhi bunga bungaan.Ni sempena what the local cal "Tet"....org malaya panggil chinese new year.Haa...bunga dia mmg cantik2...siap ada pertandingan pelbagai utk bonsai,orchid dll.Ni gambar sikit je.Banyak giler woii!!Nanti tgk kat Facebook la.
So teruskan berjalan melintasi traffic(tip melintas....follow the locals,kali ke-3 dah boleh master)...pssstttt kalau agak2 tak konfiden,baca bismillah and ngucap 2-3 round ok?
So jalan2 kat Saigon mmg macam ni.I mean the main roads.So brace yourself.So setelah selamat melintas dan sopping sikit dan makan makanan halal kami pon balik ke bilik.Nanti aku updet lagi serba serbi.Jangan risau wifey pon ada kisah trip kami.Kalau takde kat sini ada kat sini ado.
So lepas sopping sikit *pemanas badan*,makan so we went hunting for next day tour.Banyak company offer so look around for the best price.We got our half days tour for USD4.Mainly tour groups starts at USD5 so look around.Yang lagi mahal mmg ada jugak(smaller tour groups).The next day we went to Cu Chi tunnel,and as expected shopping part 2 for the ladies.Kita pi tgk what those VC did to put those yanks to shame
Day 3 is Museum day!*me likey* so stay tuned.InsyaAllah aku update.
Ringkasannya kisah ada disini juga. Click me pinch me!
So anyways,ini kisah kami juga.
We stayed at Saigon Mini Hotel 5.Not exactly a budget hotel but lengkap amenities and for USD33 per night it was money well spent.Bed and breakfast.Kalau takde bacon with the omelette mmg gua sesar,tapi sebab periuk balanga depa bantai goreng bacon so aku geli.Roti standed ada baguette maklumla penah kena "franchise"
Our hotel is located at Bui Vien st, yang sangat dekat dgn Pham Ngu Lao st and De Tham st. Ni streets yang happening kat Saigon sebb area backpackers.So actually the street foods are cheap and kat sini is where most of the tours are.Mat and minah salleh byk giler.Arak kat sini murah USD 1 so mmg tak heranla kalau depa flock this are.Rooms as low as 10USD boleh dapat actually.Kena rajin sikit.
Ohh kalau korang baca Anies punya blog haaa ni la gamba kerbau tu
So anyways,tanpa berlengah malam pertama kat situ,berjalan la kami ke the fame Benh Tahn market,haa AWAS tempat ni mmg heaven utk Wanita.Laki hahaaa nurakka beb!Tapi berkorbanla utk org tersayang.Malam tu tak masuk sebb dah tutup.Keliling dia ada night market.So sama jela dugaan dia.Along the way,ada taman yg depenuhi bunga bungaan.Ni sempena what the local cal "Tet"....org malaya panggil chinese new year.Haa...bunga dia mmg cantik2...siap ada pertandingan pelbagai utk bonsai,orchid dll.Ni gambar sikit je.Banyak giler woii!!Nanti tgk kat Facebook la.
So lepas sopping sikit *pemanas badan*,makan so we went hunting for next day tour.Banyak company offer so look around for the best price.We got our half days tour for USD4.Mainly tour groups starts at USD5 so look around.Yang lagi mahal mmg ada jugak(smaller tour groups).The next day we went to Cu Chi tunnel,and as expected shopping part 2 for the ladies.Kita pi tgk what those VC did to put those yanks to shame
Day 3 is Museum day!*me likey* so stay tuned.InsyaAllah aku update.